A gentle wind carried
On its shoulders
The fragrance of your memory
When you walked close by me
the faint touch of your hand on mine
It still lingers
Like the pages of a uninspiring book
My mind flips your memory
I had loved you
Your smile still remains
Etched on the rocks of my memory
I tried to rub it off but never went
Tonight, i wish, i had not met you
Wish that days were buried
Under the rocks of oblivion
Then, again, we move with the wind that we catch
You caught yours and i, mine
We are in the same sea
But in different boats
I'm giving you tonight
Into the hands of our maker
Let Him carry this burden of mine
The memory that you left behind
I hope you're not like me
Carrying this burden
I'm like a mad poet
Calling out what's hidden in the depth
Giving it life
A shape
Tonight I'm stepping out
off the freight train of memories
Let's meet on the other side of the shore
Like the pilgrims after the journey
Vinal Raj R